Java Reflection In Action Pdf

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Learning Strategies. Learning Strategies or. Instructional Strategies. Learning or instructional strategies determine the approach for achieving the learning objectives and are included in the pre instructional activities, information presentation, learner activities, testing, and follow through. The strategies are usually tied to the needs and interests of students to enhance learning and are based on many types of learning styles Ekwensi, Moranski, Townsend Sweet, 2. Thus the learning objectives point you towards the instructional strategies, while the instructional strategies will point you to the medium that will actually deliver the instruction, such as elearning, self study, classroom, or OJT. Java Reflection In Action Pdf' title='Java Reflection In Action Pdf' />However, do not fall into the trap of using only one medium when designing your course. Although some people use the terms interchangeably, objectives, strategies, and media, all have separate meanings. For example, your learning objective might be Pull the correct items for a customer order the instructional strategies are a demonstration, have a question and answer period, and then receive hands on practice by actually performing the job, while the media might be a combination of elearning and OJT. Java Reflection In Action Pdf' title='Java Reflection In Action Pdf' />What are Null Pointer Exceptions java. NullPointerException and what causes them What methodstools can be used to determine the cause so that you stop the. JSP provides a bunch of standard action tags that we can use for specific tasks such as working with java bean objects, including other resource, forward the request. In computer science, reflection is the ability of a computer program to examine, introspect, and modify its own structure and behavior at runtime. P/1932394184.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg' alt='Java Reflection In Action Pdf' title='Java Reflection In Action Pdf' />The Instructional Strategy Selection Chart shown below is a general guideline for selecting the learning strategy. It is based on Blooms Taxonomy Learning Domains. The matrix generally runs from the passive learning methods top rows to the more active participation methods bottom rows. Blooms Taxonomy the right three columns runs from top to bottom, with the lower level behaviors being on top and the higher behaviors being on the bottom. That is, there is a direct correlation in learning Lower levels of performance can normally be taught using the more passive learning methods. Higher levels of performance usually require some sort of action or involvement by the learners. Instructional Strategy Selection Chart. Instructional Strategy. Cognitive DomainBloom, 1. Affective DomainKrathwohl, Bloom, Masia, 1. Psychomotor DomainSimpson, 1. Lecture, reading, audiovisual, demonstration, or guided observations, question and answer period 1. Knowledge. 1. Receiving phenomena 1. Perception. 2. Set. Java Reflection In Action Pdf' title='Java Reflection In Action Pdf' />Discussions, multimedia CBT, Socratic didactic method, reflection. Activities such as surveys, role playing, case studies, fishbowls, etc. Comprehension 3. Application. Responding to phenomena 3. Guided response. 4. Mechanism. On the Job Training OJT, practice by doing some direction or coaching is required, simulated job settings to include CBT simulations4. Analysis. 3. Valuing. B5fZqzfKBtkIDIfWAp10s0WqbH8oOtzq.jpg' alt='Java Reflection In Action Pdf' title='Java Reflection In Action Pdf' />Complex response. Use in real situations. Also may be trained by using several high level. OJT. 5. Synthesis. Organize values into priorities. Compile Python Into Windows Exe To Mac. Adaptation Normally developed on own informal learning through self study or learning through mistakes, but mentoring and coaching can speed. Evaluation. 5. Internalizing values 7. Origination The chart does not cover all possibilities, but most activities should fit in. For example, self study could fall under reading, audio visual, andor activities, depending upon the type of program you design. Next Step. Media, Strategies, Methods. Reference. Bloom B. S. 1. 95. 6. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I The. Cognitive Domain. New York David Mc. Kay Co Inc. Ekwensi, F., Moranski, J., Townsend Sweet, M., 2. E Learning Concepts and Techniques. Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvanias Department of Instructional Technology. Instructional Strategies for Online Learning. Retrieved November 8, 2. Spring. 20. 06e. Bookfilesebookspring. Krathwohl, D. R., Bloom, B. S., Masia, B. B. 1. Taxonomy. Educational Objectives, the Classification of Educational Goals. Handbook II. Affective Domain. New York David Mc. Kay Co., Inc. Simpson E. J. 1. 97. 2. The Classification of Educational Objectives in the. Psychomotor Domain. Washington, DC Gryphon House. Test bank lewis pdf by Carolparker.